LEAP AER-template-2023.pdf29/04/2024370Kb
LEAP SV28408 - Licensee Report.pdf02/02/2024345Kb
LEAP W0265_01_SV22496 JSPE_288_L04.pdf27/07/20232159Kb
LEAP SV27268 - Licensee Report.pdf31/05/2023427Kb
LEAP AER-template-2022_V4-Final (2) HJS Comms.pdf19/05/2023368Kb
LEAP Storage area location.pdf19/05/2023970Kb
LEAP Response to Site Visit Report SV27268 Ref 1.2.pdf19/05/2023450Kb
LEAP W0265_LR073879_WAC JSPE_288_L08.pdf19/05/2023324Kb
LEAP W0265_SV2728_WAC JSPE_288_L07.pdf19/05/2023320Kb
LEAP SV27268 - Licensee Public Response_3.pdf19/05/2023186Kb
LEAP SV27268 - Licensee Public Response_2.pdf19/05/2023129Kb
LEAP SV27268 - Licensee Public Response.pdf19/05/20232231Kb
LEAP Appendix 2.pdf19/05/20231307Kb
LEAP Appendix 1.pdf19/05/2023753Kb
LEAP SEW for C and D.pdf19/05/2023568Kb
LEAP Clashford C+D Waste Recovery.pdf19/05/20233261Kb
LEAP W0265-01_ JSPE_288_L06 Extension of Duration .pdf18/05/2023158Kb
LEAP Clashford Recovery Facility AER 2021.pdf18/05/2023363Kb
LEAP W0265_01_SV22496 EMP 251121.pdf16/05/2023443Kb
LEAP W0265_01 CRAMP Rev 02.pdf16/05/20233068Kb
LEAP W0265_01_SV22496 JSPE_288_L05.pdf16/05/2023148Kb
LEAP W0265-01 SV22496 Water Monitoring 2021.pdf16/05/2023899Kb
LEAP W0265_01_SV22496 JSPE_288_L03.pdf16/05/2023155Kb
LEAP W0265_01_SV22496 JSPE_288_L02.pdf16/05/2023387Kb
LEAP W0265_01_SV22496 JSPE_288_L01.pdf16/05/2023148Kb
LEAP SV22496 - Licensee Public Response.pdf16/05/2023211Kb
LEAP Environmental Monitoring Plan.pdf16/05/20231527Kb
LEAP Compliance Submission LR048778.pdf16/05/2023120Kb
LEAP SEW Submission.pdf15/05/2023874Kb
LEAP Appendix 3 Setic tank and Percolation Area.pdf15/05/2023262Kb
LEAP Appendix 2 Office and Canteen.pdf15/05/2023119Kb
LEAP Appendix 1 site location Map.pdf15/05/2023811Kb
LEAP SEW Wheelwash upgrade.pdf15/05/20234167Kb
LEAP Specified engineer works stormwater management.pdf15/05/20232441Kb
LEAP W0265_01_SV22496 EMP 140122.pdf05/05/2023344Kb
LEAP P1317-5_Clashford HRA_20220131_Final_Rev F0_Issued.pdf05/05/202316471Kb
LEAP W0265_01_JS283_L03 RI013430.pdf05/05/2023213Kb
LEAP W0265_01_JS283_L02 RI013033.pdf05/05/20231671Kb
LEAP Complaince submission RI012562.pdf05/05/2023116Kb
LEAP Appendix 1 Site location Map.pdf05/05/2023865Kb
LEAP SV19390 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023327Kb
LEAP SV22496 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/20231678Kb
EPA Director Decision Re Section 42 Extension15/09/2022172Kb
EPA Notification of Extension 15.09.202215/09/2022134Kb
EPA W0265-01 Inspectors Report15/09/2022159Kb
EPA Board Extract - Final Decision20/09/201940Kb
EPA Letter to Third Parties re Final Determination20/09/201982Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - FD Issued20/09/2019172Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant re Final Decision20/09/2019597Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - FD Issued20/09/2019178Kb
EPA Technical Committee Report20/09/2019843Kb
EPA W0265-01 Final Decision 120/09/20194024Kb
EPA Notifications to Relevant Parties Extension of Final Determinati22/08/2019265Kb
EPA Notifications to Relevant Parties Extension of Final Determinati08/08/2019266Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant - Acknowledgement of Objection03/05/2019265Kb
Applicant Objection by Applicant30/04/20195653Kb
EPA Director Decision re Proposed Decision03/04/2019243Kb
EPA Inspector's Report03/04/20191106Kb
EPA PD Issued - Letter to Submittors03/04/201956Kb
EPA PD Issued - Notification - Applicant03/04/2019527Kb
EPA PD Issued – Notification - Specified Bodies03/04/2019186Kb
EPA PD Issued – Notification - Submitters03/04/2019182Kb
EPA Proposed Decision03/04/20194331Kb
EPA Recommended Decision03/04/2019740Kb
Third Party Letter from Planning Authority - re Planning Permission13/02/2019452Kb
EPA Letter to Submittors re Revised AA Screening Determination18/12/2018602Kb
EPA AA Screening Determination - Revised17/12/2018381Kb
EPA AA Screening Revised - Notification - Submitters17/12/2018177Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant re revised AA Screening Determination17/12/2018351Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Art 16 Acknowledgement26/10/201868Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No 422/10/201880Kb
Third Party Submission - No 4 - HSE18/10/20183596Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Meath Co Co - re Sectio 42 Observations21/09/201868Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority - re Section 42 observations request14/09/2018188Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - re Environmental Impact Assessment Report14/09/2018107Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Article 16 information06/09/201844Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 1 - Cover Letter27/08/201860Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 1 - EIAR 2018 - Non Technical Summary27/08/20188345Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 1 - EIAR 2018 - Part 127/08/20187196Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 1 - EIAR 2018 - Part 227/08/20186065Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 1 - EIAR 2018 - Part 327/08/201810800Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 1 - EIAR 2018 - Part 427/08/20187293Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 2 - Attachment A27/08/20183061Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 2 - Attachment B27/08/20182261Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 2 - Attachment C27/08/20187507Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 2 - Attachment D27/08/201810385Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 2 - Attachment E - Revised Non Tech Summary27/08/2018439Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 2 - Cover Letter27/08/2018159Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - No 2 - Drawings27/08/20189805Kb
EPA Email to Applicant - reply to applicant extension request08/08/2018522Kb
Applicant E-mail from Applicant - Request for extension for submitting outstanding info02/08/2018454Kb
Applicant E-mail from Applicant - requesting time extension29/06/201866Kb
EPA Email to Applicant - agreeing time extension29/06/201834Kb
EPA Email to Applicant - agreeing to time extension24/05/201854Kb
EPA Email to Applicant - re extension of time to submit RFI24/05/201837Kb
EPA Email to Applicant - agreeing to extend date for submission of RFI12/02/201827Kb
Applicant E-mail from Applicant - requesting extension of time to submit information01/02/2018172Kb
EPA Notification - re Article 1618/12/2017228Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Article 16 - request to update EIS08/12/201772Kb
Third Party Letter from Local Authority - re Section 42 Observations22/11/20174602Kb
EPA Letter to Planning Authority - re Section 4201/11/2017232Kb
Applicant Unsolicited Additional Information18/10/2017567Kb
Third Party Letter from Planning Authority - to Applicant16/10/201797Kb
Third Party Letter from Planning Authority - re Section 5530/03/2017383Kb
EPA Letter to Planning Authority - re Section 4221/09/201615575Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Article 14 information30/03/201638Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - Attachment A21/03/20161817Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - Attachment B21/03/20164507Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - Cover Letter21/03/2016515Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - Attachment C - Revised Non Tech Summary21/03/20161742Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - Drawings21/03/20169177Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - agreeing to extension of time for submission of outstanding info19/11/201556Kb
Applicant E-mail from Applicant - re Date for submission of outstanding information13/11/201542Kb
Applicant E-mail from Applicant - re status of application13/11/201543Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - re Outstanding Information10/11/2015124Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - re status of application10/11/2015117Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No 230/10/201564Kb
Third Party Submission No 2 - Meath County Council23/10/201540330Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re AA Screening Determination02/10/2015147Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - re AA Screening Determination02/10/2015153Kb
EPA Notification - re Article 1402/10/2015167Kb
EPA AA Screening Determination29/09/201585Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - re Status of Application15/05/201554Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Meath Co Co re Section 42 Observations02/12/201449Kb
Third Party Submission No 3 - HSE27/11/2014101Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - re Section 42(1I)(e)(i) reply from PA26/11/201473Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority - Email reminder re Section 4224/11/201425Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Section 42(1I)(e)(i) Email Clarification from ABP10/11/201466Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Section 42(1I)(e)(i) reply from ABP10/11/2014323Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - An Bord Pleanala re receipt of an EPA letter07/11/2014134Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - An Bord Pleanala re receipt of EIS20/10/2014245Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - planning authority re receipt of EIS20/10/2014247Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - specified bodies re receipt of EIS20/10/20142088Kb
Applicant EIS - Covering Letter and Notice information10/10/20142905Kb
Applicant EIS - Non Technical Summary10/10/20149471Kb
Applicant EIS - Part 110/10/201412044Kb
Applicant EIS - Part 210/10/201410740Kb
Applicant EIS - Part 310/10/201410316Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - re seeking additional time for submitting EIS26/09/2014193Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re granting additional time for submitting EIS26/09/201424Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Extension19/08/2014310Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Re Extension12/08/2014179Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - granting extension for submitting EIS and AA information10/06/201426Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - requesting extension for submitting EIS and AA information30/05/2014180Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Art 14 reply acknowledgement22/04/2014255Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - No.211/04/2014660Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Art 14 request for information28/02/201446Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Section 42 request (EIS)28/02/201465Kb
EPA EIA Screening Decision Form18/02/201447Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Art 16(1) IED Declaration Form18/07/2013311Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re progress being delayed into 201422/03/201323Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Art 14 reply 113/10/201149Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - No.110/10/20111489Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Art 14(2)(b)(ii)29/08/2011262Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant-Art 14 Notice-Unable to reply by deadline29/05/200967Kb
EPA Letter to applicant - Art 14(2)(b)(ii) Notice .pdf24/03/2009107Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification24/03/2009439Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No.124/03/200936Kb
Third Party Submission No.1 - HSE24/03/200956Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Acknowledgement of application18/02/2009105Kb
Applicant Application Form13/02/2009861Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment A to C13/02/20097758Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment D to H13/02/20094948Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment I.1 to I.2 Part 113/02/20099538Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment I.2 Part 2 and I.3 to I.413/02/20098339Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment I.5 to I.713/02/200911986Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment J to M13/02/20092094Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment N - Figures Part 113/02/20095079Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment N - Figures Part 213/02/20098652Kb
Applicant Newspaper Advertisement13/02/200996Kb