LEAP Slope Stability Inspection.docx_compressed.pdf03/05/20245366Kb
LEAP KSG STABILITY REPORT 2023.pdf28/04/202417454Kb
LEAP Slope Stability Inspection Report 2023.pdf28/04/202417455Kb
LEAP Slope Stability Inspection Report 2023.pdf27/04/202417455Kb
LEAP SV26874 - Licensee Report.pdf23/09/2023430Kb
LEAP _EPA Response_RI018708.pdf28/07/20231084Kb
LEAP SV 26918 Response - W0295-01.pdf24/07/2023644Kb
LEAP Stability Report KSG 2022.pdf13/07/20237513Kb
LEAP SV26918 - Licensee Report.pdf09/07/2023357Kb
LEAP AER 2022 - Kildare Sand and Gravel.pdf22/06/2023369Kb
LEAP Slope Stability Inspection_KSGL 2022.pdf31/05/202325290Kb
LEAP Kildare Sand and Gravel - Topographical Survey 2022.pdf31/05/20232651Kb
LEAP COM016770 response.pdf19/05/2023127Kb
LEAP AER 2021 Kildare Sand and Gravel V2 March 2022.pdf18/05/2023367Kb
LEAP Topographical Survey 2021.pdf18/05/20232651Kb
LEAP Slope Stability Inspection_KSGL 2021.pdf18/05/202311562Kb
LEAP AER 2021 Kildare Sand and Gravel V1.pdf18/05/2023365Kb
LEAP AER 2020 Kildare Sand and Gravel V2.pdf16/05/2023367Kb
LEAP AER 2020 Kildare Sand and Gravel.pdf16/05/2023366Kb
LEAP Well Drilling and Groundwater Sampling Report.pdf16/05/20231935Kb
LEAP Kildare Sand and Gravel Stability Report.pdf15/05/20239858Kb
LEAP EPA site visit SV19392.pdf15/05/202373Kb
LEAP EPA site visit SV19392.pdf15/05/202373Kb
LEAP GW Well Compliance Submission.pdf15/05/2023738Kb
LEAP Kildare Sand and Gravel AER2019.pdf15/05/2023338Kb
LEAP WAP Kildare Sand and Gravel KSG 002.pdf15/05/2023551Kb
LEAP Waste Characterisation Assessment Citywest.pdf15/05/20232810Kb
LEAP RFA to Accept 17 05 04 to Waste Licence - WRL001.pdf15/05/2023245Kb
LEAP TM01.V0 Slope Stability Action dates.pdf05/05/2023116Kb
LEAP SV19392 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023392Kb
LEAP SV23753 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023425Kb
EPA FW Notification of Final DeterminationDecision Issued for W02913/02/2019122Kb
EPA Final Decision and Notification06/02/20193977Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - FD Issued06/02/2019439Kb
EPA Letter to Submittor - FD Issued06/02/201970Kb
EPA PD Board Extract19/12/201828Kb
EPA PD Issued - Notification - Applicant19/12/2018531Kb
EPA PD Issued – Notification - Specified Bodies19/12/2018186Kb
EPA Proposed Decision & Notification19/12/20184330Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report29/11/2018769Kb
EPA Recommended Decision29/11/2018665Kb
EPA Article 16 Compliance Notice13/11/2018342Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Article 16 information27/09/201889Kb
Applicant E-mail from Applicant - re Application18/09/2018447Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply30/07/2018247Kb
EPA Notification - Re. Article 1602/07/2018250Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply19/06/2018537Kb
Third Party  Submission No 2 - Withdrawn24/05/201826Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Withdrawal of Submission Request24/05/201836Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Submission Withdrawal Acknowledgment24/05/201848Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Article 16(i) Notice22/05/2018118Kb
Applicant Unsolicited Additional Information - No 205/02/2018424Kb
Third Party Letter from Planning Authority - /An Bord Pleanala - Section 41(1D)a response28/08/2017117Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party17/08/201742Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Section 42(1D)(a) Notice28/07/2017126Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No 2 Mr D Malone28/06/201759Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Art 14 Acknowledgement23/05/2017112Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Article 14 - Acknowledgment27/03/201743Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply24/03/20175286Kb
Applicant Article 8 Reply24/03/20171136Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Article 8 Notice22/02/20172997Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Article 14(2)(b)(ii) Notice03/02/2017116Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re AA Screening Determination03/02/201764Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re AA Screening Determination03/02/201765Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Section 42 (1D)(a) Response02/02/201757Kb
Applicant Unsolicited Additional Information - No 102/02/201713176Kb
EPA AA Screening Determination01/02/201762Kb
EPA EIA Screening Determination01/02/201761Kb
Third Party Submission - No 1 Mr Kieran Carberry HSE24/01/201789Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No 1 Mr K Carberry24/01/2017389Kb
EPA Application Acknowledgement21/12/201686Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Application - Ackn.21/12/201663Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority - Section 42(1D)(a) Notice21/12/2016132Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - New application21/12/20163497Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - New application - Notification E-mails21/12/20161378Kb
Applicant Application Form16/12/20162873Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment - A to M16/12/20169785Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing16/12/20165443Kb
Applicant Application Form - Further Information re Planning - Drawings16/12/20166200Kb
Applicant Application Form - Table of Contents16/12/2016693Kb
Applicant Application Form- Further Information re Planning16/12/201612160Kb
Applicant EIS16/12/20164921Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 1 Ecology Report Boherkill Sandpit Filling rev 216/12/2016226Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 2 Boherkill Appropriate Assessment Screening Document16/12/2016807Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 3 Chapter on Soils and Geology IE Consulting16/12/2016345Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 4 Chapter on Water IE Consulting16/12/2016546Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 4b chapter appendices16/12/20165661Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 5 Air quality chapter Boherkill Quarry Ver 1 (1)16/12/2016574Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 6 Noise Report sections 1 & 2 rev 216/12/20163461Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 7 Cultural Heritage Report16/12/20161021Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 8 Landscape Photomontages16/12/201612757Kb
Applicant EIS - Appendix 9 Traffic Report TPS Ltd16/12/2016701Kb
Applicant EIS - Cover Final16/12/2016560Kb
Applicant EIS - Non Tech Summary16/12/20162119Kb