LEAP Snapshot-INCI027742.pdf09/06/2024135Kb
LEAP P1170-01-Annual Environmental Report-2023.pdf28/04/2024389Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI027257.pdf23/03/2024139Kb
LEAP Amazon_DUB69_FGas_Log_EPA.pdf01/03/202458Kb
LEAP P1170-01-Firewater Retention Risk Assessment.pdf24/01/20241682Kb
LEAP P1170-01-Air Quality Montoring Programme RFI.pdf21/10/2023620Kb
LEAP P1170-01_HVO Air Review for SO2 and PM.pdf07/10/2023532Kb
LEAP P1170-01-Ambient Air Quality Montoring Programme.pdf21/09/20231182Kb
LEAP P1170-01_Noise Management Plan.pdf21/09/20231548Kb
LEAP P1170-01_Use of HVO Fuel Request.pdf06/09/2023394Kb
EPA FD Newspaper Notice 312/07/2023159Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Circulation of Register to Local Authori10/07/2023219Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Authority re Register - Letter LACT0001402010/07/2023336Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Authority re Register - Register LACT0001402010/07/2023161Kb
EPA Web Notice 3510/07/2023118Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - FD Issued - Licence Granted 20406/07/2023173Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant - Final DeterminationDecision - LACT0006/07/2023597Kb
EPA P1170-01 Final Determination 106/07/20233331Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - FD Issued - Licence Granted 27306/07/2023178Kb
EPA Newspaper Notice Re - Proposed Determination07/06/2023148Kb
EPA Dirctors Decision Re Proposed Determination02/06/2023240Kb
EPA Inspector's Report -LA00749402/06/20231627Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Circulation of Register to Local Authori02/06/2023220Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant - Proposed DeterminationDecision - LAC02/06/2023530Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Authority - Register - LACT0001376502/06/2023340Kb
EPA P1170 Licence Register02/06/2023186Kb
EPA PD Issued – Notification - Specified Bodies - P1170-0102/06/2023247Kb
EPA PD Issued – Notification - Submitters - P1170-0102/06/2023243Kb
EPA Proposed Determination -LA00749402/06/20233902Kb
EPA Recommended Determination -LA00749402/06/2023741Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - 217501 0178NL04 Extension Duration Approval30/05/202389Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Extension Request - LACT0001369229/05/2023339Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant - Compliance Notice - LACT0001363222/05/2023201Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Compliance Notice EIA - LACT0001362922/05/2023203Kb
EPA S011081 Submission Notice17/04/2023179Kb
Third Party Submission No S011081 - A Deegan17/04/2023448Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - P1170-01 Further Information Response30/03/202390Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Request for Further Information -LACT016/03/2023350Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - agreeing to extend PD due date23/01/202389Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Extension Request - LACT0001254618/01/2023446Kb
Applicant Regulation 10 Reply17/11/2022225Kb
Applicant Regulation 10 Reply - A093-CSC-XX-XX-DR-C-1201 - Overall Foul Water Plan17/11/2022890Kb
Applicant Regulation 10 Reply - Attachment-7-1-3-2-Air Emissions Impact Assessment 117/11/20221199Kb
Applicant Regulation 10 Reply - SOP-Bulk fuel tank delivery17/11/2022244Kb
Applicant Unsolicited Additional Information - P1170-01 Unsolicited Information17/11/2022168Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant RFI Reminder LACT00011706 10-11-202215/11/2022356Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant RFI Reminder LACT00011706 15-11-202215/11/2022339Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Compliance Notice EIA - LACT0001198311/11/2022203Kb
Applicant Regulation 10 Reply - Attachment-6-3-1-Planning Report-Sep-2020 202/11/2022732Kb
Applicant Regulation 10 Reply - Response to Item 702/11/2022221Kb
EPA Reminder Email (upcoming due date) - Reg 10(2)(b)(ii) notice 3202/11/2022174Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Request for Further Information -LACT027/10/2022454Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - 217501 0178L02 Extension Duration Approval 7-7-2207/07/202289Kb
EPA Reminder Email (RFI Overdue) - Reg 14(2) Notice 607/07/2022171Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Extension Request - LACT0001098306/07/2022540Kb
Third Party Letter from Irish Water - Section 99 Consent07/06/2022397Kb
Third Party Letter from Irish Water - Section 99 Consent Cover Letter07/06/2022263Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Bodies Request for Obvs Reminder23/03/2022218Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Bodies Request for Obvs Reminder23/03/2022482Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - agreeing to extend PD due date10/03/202289Kb
EPA AA Screening - Notification - Submitters - P1170-0109/03/2022183Kb
EPA AA Screening Determination - LACT0001011009/03/2022423Kb
EPA EIA Screening Determination - LACT0001002004/03/2022451Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Extension Request - LACT0001008803/03/2022349Kb
EPA S010219 Submission Notice25/02/2022178Kb
Third Party Submission No S010219 - HSE25/02/2022306Kb
Applicant Application Form - 0388 - Attachment-1-2 Non Technical Summary 720/01/2022396Kb
Applicant Application Form - AA - Planning - Attachment-6-3-4-AA Screening-Sep-202020/01/2022635Kb
Applicant Application Form - Activity Capacity Information - Attachment-4-4-1-Capacity Calculations 520/01/202257Kb
Applicant Application Form - Additional Townlands - Attachment-3 Multiple Townlands Details20/01/2022109Kb
Applicant Application Form - Applicable Regulations - Attachment-4-5-1 Applicable Regulations 320/01/2022107Kb
Applicant Application Form - Application Form - LA00749420/01/2022218Kb
Applicant Application Form - Baseline Report - Attachment-4-8-3-Complete Baseline Report 920/01/20224178Kb
Applicant Application Form - Baseline Screening - Attachment-4-8-2- Baseline Screening Report20/01/202264Kb
Applicant Application Form - BREF Assessment - Attachment-4-7-1-BREF - Large Combustion Plants 120/01/2022679Kb
Applicant Application Form - BREF Assessment - Attachment-4-7-2-BREF -Energy Efficiency20/01/2022406Kb
Applicant Application Form - BREF Assessment - Attachment-4-7-3-BREF-Emissions from Storage 320/01/2022354Kb
Applicant Application Form - BREF Assessment - Attachment-4-7-4-BREF-Industrial Cooling Systems 320/01/2022522Kb
Applicant Application Form - Certificate of Incorporation - Attachment-2-1-Certificate of Incorporation 620/01/2022176Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Attachment-6-3-6-EIAR-Planning-Sep-202020/01/202249146Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions - Air Section - Attachment-7-4-1-Emissions to Air-Main and Fugitive 920/01/2022414Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions - Noise Section - Attachment-7-5-Noise Emissions 1620/01/2022344Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions - Sewer Section - Attachment-7-3-1-Emissions-to-Sewer 2520/01/2022278Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Compliance Report - Attachment-7-1-3-1-Emissions Compliance Report 2220/01/2022179Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Impact Assessment - Attachment-7-1-3-2-Air Emissions Impact20/01/20221208Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Impact Assessment - Attachment-7-1-3-2-Noise Emissions Impact 120/01/20222525Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Impact Assessment - Attachment-7-1-3-2-Soil Water Impact Assessment20/01/2022704Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Overview Section - Attachment-7-1-Emissions Overview 1120/01/2022363Kb
Applicant Application Form - EMT Section - Attachment-9-1-EMT 2120/01/2022413Kb
Applicant Application Form - EMT Section - Attachment-9-2-3-FWRA20/01/20221734Kb
Applicant Application Form - Equivalent Protection - Sewer - Attachment-7-3-2 Equivalent-Protection-Sewer 1520/01/2022221Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - Attachment-6-7-1-Evidence of Notices - Site 1520/01/20221644Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - Attachment-6-7-2-Evidence of Notices-Newspaper 720/01/20222880Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - Attachment-6-7-3-Evidence of Notices-Map 1220/01/2022600Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - Attachment-6-7-4-Evidence of Notices - PA 1320/01/2022129Kb
Applicant Application Form - Fee Payment Evidence - Fee Payment Evidence 3420/01/202247Kb
Applicant Application Form - Financial Application Section - Attachment-5-1-Financial 5420/01/2022208Kb
Applicant Application Form - Fit and Proper Declaration - Attachment-2-5-Financial-Commitments-Declaration 920/01/2022518Kb
Applicant Application Form - IED Chapter III Applicability - Attachment-4-10-7-IED Chapter III 120/01/202281Kb
Applicant Application Form - LCP Abatement Methods - Attachment-4-10-2-LCP Abatement 220/01/2022140Kb
Applicant Application Form - LCP Section - Attachment-4-10-1-LCP Plant Information 320/01/2022196Kb
Applicant Application Form - Materials Used or Generated - Attachment-4-6-2-Raw-Material-Interm-Product20/01/2022214Kb
Applicant Application Form - Minor - Potenial Emissions - Attachment-7-4-2-Emissions-to-Air-Minor-Potential 2920/01/2022392Kb
Applicant Application Form - Operational Report - Attachment-4-8-1-Operational Report 3320/01/2022347Kb
Applicant Application Form - Planning Decision - Attachment-6-3-1-Planning Decision-Sep-202020/01/20221530Kb
Applicant Application Form - Planning Decision - Attachment-6-3-1-Planning Report-Sep-202020/01/2022453Kb
Applicant Application Form - Project and Threshold - Planning - Attachment-6-3-7-Project and Threshold-Planning 1020/01/202290Kb
Applicant Application Form - Signature and Company Stamp - Attachment-10-1-Signature Stamp 1920/01/2022696Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Closure - Attachment 9-2-3 Site Closure Plan 420/01/2022320Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Condition Report - Attachment-4-8-4-Site Condition Report 2020/01/2022133Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Map - A093-CSE-XX-XX-DR-C-1101 - Surface Water Plan20/01/2022900Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Map - A093-CSE-XX-XX-DR-C-1201 - Foul Water Plan20/01/2022747Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Map - A093-CSE-XX-XX-DR-C-2000 - Emission Layout Plan20/01/2022672Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Plan - A093-CSE-XX-XX-DR-C-0004 - Site Location Plan20/01/2022600Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Plan - A093-CSE-XX-XX-DR-C-0005 - Site Plan20/01/2022619Kb
Applicant Application Form - Stakeholder Engagement Section - Attachment-6-1-Stakeholder-Engagement 4020/01/2022269Kb
Applicant Application Form - Storm Water Monitoring - Attachment 7-7-1 Stormwater Monitoring20/01/202230Kb
Applicant Application Form - Strorm Water Section - Attachment-7-7-Storm Water Discharges 720/01/2022194Kb
Applicant Application Form - Technical Knowledge - Attachment-2-5-3 Technical Knowledge 520/01/2022179Kb
Applicant Application Form - Waste Generated Section - Attachment-8-1-Waste-Generated 320/01/2022324Kb
Applicant Application Form - Waste Hierarchy - Attachment-8-2-1-Waste-Hierarchy20/01/2022171Kb
Applicant Application Form - Water and Energy Usage - Attachment-4-6-1-Water-Energy-Usage 2720/01/2022189Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Circulation of Register to Local Authori20/01/2022219Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - EIS EIAR - Enter Consultations with PA A20/01/2022218Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Section 99E Notice 5420/01/2022215Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Accepted Application - LACT0000977120/01/2022344Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Authority Register - LACT0000977320/01/2022337Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Bodies Request for Information Observat20/01/2022382Kb
EPA Notification to Water Services Authority - Discharge to Sewer LA20/01/2022746Kb
EPA P1170-01 Licence Register20/01/2022158Kb
EPA SpecifiedBodies-LA00749420/01/2022100Kb