EPA Letter to Third Party - re/0 Technical Amendment A25/06/2013145Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Technical Amendment12/03/2013257Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - re Technical Amendment A22/01/20131557Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Technical Amendment A15/01/201339Kb
EPA Technical Amendment - A15/01/201397Kb
EPA Director Decision - re Technical Amendment A02/01/201348Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - re Technical Amendment A18/12/201263Kb
EPA Director Decision - Licence Ceased12/07/2009264Kb
EPA Final Decision12/07/20097697Kb
EPA Final Decision12/07/2006534Kb
Applicant Application Form 3408Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment - B-F 2463Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment - G-L 3431Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 01 1032Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 02 1230Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 03 1007Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 04 1407Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 05 1079Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 06 1092Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 07 1192Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 08 1110Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 09 1264Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 10 1433Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 11 1112Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 12 1218Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 13 1188Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 14 1185Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 15 1779Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 16 1289Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 17 1258Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 18 1586Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 19 1312Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 20 1137Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 21 1161Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 22 1131Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 23 1201Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - 24 1327Kb
Applicant Application Form - Drawing - Table of Contents 526Kb
Applicant Application Form - Non Technical Summary 6553Kb
Applicant Application Form - Non Technical Summary 2642Kb
Applicant Application Form - Table of Contents 538Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - (a) 31/08/05 1609Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - (b) 31/08/05 430Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - (c) 31/08/05 8869Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply 31/08/05 40Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - (a) 31/08/05 1420Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - (b) 31/08/05 463Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply - (c) 31/08/05 9606Kb
Applicant Article 16 Reply 31/08/05 34Kb
Applicant Article 16(2) Reply - Re: Objection 42Kb
Applicant Article 8 Reply - 1 02/03/05 5844Kb
Applicant Article 8 Reply - 2 (a) 15/08/05 151Kb
Applicant Article 8 Reply - 2 (b) 15/08/05 90Kb
Applicant Article 8 Reply - 2 (c) 15/08/05 1997Kb
EPA Board Extract - Final Decision 42Kb
EPA Board Extract - Oral Hearing 13Kb
EPA Board Extract - Proposed Decision 17Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - I 3873Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIA 3711Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIB 9896Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIC 5377Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IID 4916Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIIA 6093Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIIB 5930Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIIC 6483Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIID 2227Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIIE 2324Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIIF 3456Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIIG 5100Kb
Applicant EIS - Part - IIIH 3331Kb
Applicant EIS - Table of Contents 490Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIA 4894Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIB 854Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIC 2084Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IID 298Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIE 467Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIF1 14618Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIF2 2402Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIF3 9918Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIF4 2776Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIG 9573Kb
Applicant EIS - Volume - IIH 7138Kb
EPA EOassessment-W0215-01.pdf 233Kb
EPA EOassessment-W0215-01.pdf 165Kb
EPA Final Decision Notification 20Kb
EPA Inspectors Report 95Kb
Third Party Letter - Re: Planning 137Kb
Third Party Letter - Re: Planning - 2 147Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Re Submission on Objection 66Kb
Third Party Letter Re: HSE 51Kb
Third Party Letter re: Rainfall Totals 34Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant 182Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Article 33 68Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Final Decision 109Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re: Application Status 38Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re: Information Request 31Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant re Application 264Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant re Proposed Decision 34Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant re Website 144Kb
EPA Letter to DoELG 99Kb
EPA Letter to DoELG 222Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority 319Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority - Re Public File 46Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Article 33 163Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Final Decision 565Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Oral Hearing 141Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re: Submission 29Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party re Invalid Objection 46Kb
EPA Local Authority Public File 328Kb
EPA Local Authority Public File 28Kb
EPA Memo to Board re Submission 37Kb
EPA Notice to Applicant - Re: Article 14 76Kb
EPA Notice to Applicant - Re: Article 16 62Kb
EPA Notice to Applicant - Re: Article 8 (2) 48Kb
EPA Notice to Applicant Re: Article 8 (1) 138Kb
Third Party Objection - G Mulgrew 564Kb
EPA Objection Acknowledgement 101Kb
Third Party Objection An Taisce 67Kb
Third Party Objection- Derick Anderson 615Kb
Applicant Objection Donegal County Council 5943Kb
EPA Proposed Decision 409Kb
EPA Proposed Decision Notification 47Kb
EPA Recommended Decision 1665Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification 1992Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification 2292Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification 548Kb
Third Party Submission 1 - G Mulgrew 88Kb
Third Party Submission 10 - G Mulgrew 85Kb
Third Party Submission 2 - P Boylan 78Kb
Third Party Submission 3 - P Boylan 3891Kb
Third Party Submission 4 - N McGeehan 181Kb
Third Party Submission 5 - H McMonagle 96Kb
Third Party Submission 6 - M Hucknall et al 316Kb
Third Party Submission 7 - P Boylan 66Kb
Third Party Submission 8 - R McGowan 39Kb
Third Party Submission 9 - M Gibbons 80Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement 132Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement 121Kb
EPA Submission on Objection Acknowledgement 53Kb
Applicant Submission on Objection by Applicant 562Kb
EPA Technical Committee Report 121Kb
EPA Third Party - Information Request 33Kb