EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Refund26/01/201172Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Withdrawal26/01/201168Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - Re Withdrawal26/01/2011553Kb
EPA Director Decision - Re Refund25/01/201159Kb
EPA Director Decision - Re Withdrawal12/01/201147Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - Re Withdrawal & Refund12/01/2011143Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Re Refund Application26/10/201093Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Re Withdrawl of Application26/10/201071Kb
Applicant Letters & E-mail from Applicant - Status of Review Application19/07/2010365Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Application Status04/02/201068Kb
Applicant Article 8 Reply10/07/20093008Kb
EPA Notification Re Article 806/05/2009583Kb
EPA Application Acknowledgement27/02/2009114Kb
Applicant Application Form27/02/2009449Kb
Applicant Application Form - Cover Letter27/02/200954Kb
Applicant Application Form Attachment E - Appendix 1 - Part A27/02/20098893Kb
Applicant Application Form Attachment E - Appendix 1 - Part B27/02/20098450Kb
Applicant Application Form Attachments27/02/20098039Kb
Applicant Application Form Attachments Table of Contents27/02/200922Kb
Applicant Application Form Drawings27/02/20092720Kb
Applicant Application Form Drawings List27/02/20097Kb
Applicant EIS27/02/2009630Kb
Applicant EIS Attachments27/02/20092885Kb
Applicant EIS Attachments Table of Contents27/02/200918Kb
Applicant EIS Figures 1-1027/02/200910119Kb
Applicant EIS Figures 11-2527/02/20097261Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - Re Application27/02/2009701Kb