EPA S011667 Submission Notice06/08/2024179Kb
Third Party Submission - Snapshot - Submission No S011667 - W0298-01 - David Malone06/08/20244379Kb
EPA S011656 Submission Notice26/07/2024178Kb
Third Party Submission - Snapshot - Submission No S011656 - W0298-01 - David Malone26/07/20244042Kb
EPA S011655 Submission Notice24/07/2024179Kb
Third Party Submission - Snapshot - Submission No S011655 - W0298-01 - Michelle Kane24/07/2024563Kb
EPA S011654 Submission Notice23/07/2024178Kb
Third Party Submission - Snapshot - Submission No S011654 - W0298-01 - David Malone23/07/2024351Kb
EPA S011640 Submission Notice04/07/2024178Kb
Third Party Submission - Snapshot - Submission No S011640 - W0298-01 - David Malone04/07/20244482Kb
EPA S010200 Submission Notice24/01/2022178Kb
Third Party Submission No S010200 - D Malone24/01/20226941Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant re Extension Request - LACT0000971412/01/2022364Kb
EPA S010137 Submission Notice27/10/2021178Kb
Third Party Submission No S010137 - D Malone27/10/2021366Kb
Applicant Unsolicited Additional Information - L06. V0 - Request for Extension of time 14.10.2114/10/2021261Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant RFI Reminder LACT00008403 28-09-202128/09/2021339Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - L04. V0 - Request for aditional extension of time27/09/2021118Kb
EPA S010097 Submission Notice14/09/2021178Kb
Third Party Submission No S010097 - D Malone14/09/202110035Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant re outstanding information03/09/2021337Kb
Applicant Unsolicited Additional Information - L03. V0 - Request for Extension of time 31.08.2131/08/2021118Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant re Planning04/08/2021625Kb
EPA Letter to Planning Authority re Application03/08/2021497Kb
EPA Letter to Planning Authority re Application03/08/2021218Kb
EPA S006234 Submission Notice23/12/2020177Kb
Third Party Submission No S006234 - D Malone23/12/20201227Kb
Applicant Response to RFI Reg 13(3) Clarification 03.12.2003/12/2020733Kb
EPA S006058 Submission Notice14/05/2020179Kb
Third Party Submission No S006058 - D Malone14/05/20201503Kb
Third Party Letter from Kildare County Council - Further Observations20/02/20201956Kb
EPA S005974 Submission Notice20/02/2020178Kb
Third Party Submission No S005974 - D Malone19/02/2020621Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Request for extension to time respond18/02/2020120Kb
EPA S005967 Submission Notice04/02/2020177Kb
Third Party Submission No S005967 - D Malone04/02/20202189Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Request for Further Information24/01/2020358Kb
EPA S005890 Submission Notice13/12/2019178Kb
Third Party Submission No S005890 - D Malone13/12/20191134Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply including NIS26/11/201926675Kb
EPA S005869 Submission Notice07/11/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005869 - D Malone07/11/20191301Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations30/10/2019250Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 05039 INSPECTORS REPORT30/10/2019657Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 05039 JULIE ~ JERRY WALSHE + OTHERS SBMSN DEC 0330/10/2019581Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 1st party appeal30/10/20192056Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 EMAIL RQST JAN 0430/10/201941Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 ENVDEPT SUBMSN SEPT0330/10/201958Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 FI RQST DEC 0330/10/201930Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 FI RQST JAN 0430/10/201944Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 GOODE CONCRETE SUBMSN AUG0330/10/2019993Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 KILDARE CDP1999 EXTRACT30/10/2019156Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 KILDARE COC RESONSEFI RQST DEC 0330/10/201979Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 KILDARE COCO DECISION NOTIFOCT0330/10/201978Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 KILDARE COCO MNGRS ORD 21 OCT0330/10/201923Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 MNGRS ORD SCHEDULE 21 OCT0330/10/201958Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 OBSERVATIONS~CORRESPONDENCE RECVD30/10/20193635Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 PA DOCS 2002-0330/10/20192013Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 PLANNING RPRT 17 OCT0330/10/2019454Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 PUBLIC NOTICE FEB0430/10/201997Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 RETURN OF ENVDEPT SUBMSN SEPT0330/10/201924Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 SITE PHOTOS § LOCATION MAP30/10/20191762Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 STATUTORY NOTICE 11 FEB0430/10/201959Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - 205039 STATUTORY NOTICE 23 JAN 0430/10/201971Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - additional info - project details30/10/20191463Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Alan and Eleanor Cox observation30/10/201979Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Alan and Eleanor Cox resp30/10/201942Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Appeal decision30/10/2019148Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Archaeological appraisal rec 24 april 0330/10/20191475Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Archaeological assessment dated 12Dec0230/10/20191297Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Board direction30/10/201971Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Bord direction30/10/2019245Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Brochure & spec of dragline30/10/2019964Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - David & Margaret Millar invalid observation letter30/10/201984Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - David & Margeret Millar resp30/10/2019233Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - David and Margaret Millar observation30/10/2019591Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Declan Brassil & company ltd30/10/2019383Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - EIS for PL09 -20503930/10/201925300Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Extent of operation rec with further info-130/10/20192722Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Final Restoration rec with further info-130/10/20193762Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - FIRQSTLTR TO PA MARCH 200430/10/201931Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - FIRQSTLTR TO PA MARCH 200400030/10/201949Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Further info request30/10/201970Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - further info. rec. 27 August 0330/10/2019420Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Goode concrete resp to further info request30/10/2019872Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - History docs. ref. 95-123630/10/2019428Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - History docs. ref. 95-123600030/10/2019410Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Inspectors recommendation on conditions30/10/2019193Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Inspectors supplemental report30/10/2019447Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - JBA 330/10/2019148Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - maps rec. by PA 06 August 0230/10/2019331Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Mobile washplant proposal-130/10/20191466Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - ONeill ground water engineering report30/10/20191764Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Operational Plan-130/10/20194339Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - PA docs30/10/20194078Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - PA docs 230/10/20192820Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - PA docs 330/10/20192678Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - PA docs130/10/2019582Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - photographs received 24 april 200330/10/20191223Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - planning report received 24 april 200330/10/20191402Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Proposed road plan rec with further info30/10/20192909Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Proposed site access layout-130/10/20192225Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Restoration Plan 1 of 2-130/10/20194134Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Restoration Plan-130/10/20193409Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Section 131 letter to parties30/10/2019128Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Submission of draft -directed order30/10/201933Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - The Heritage council30/10/201993Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - The Heritage council130/10/201955Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - The residents resp30/10/2019497Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Third angle projection-130/10/20191820Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Third Party well location map30/10/201923861Kb
Third Party Letter from ABP - Observations - Third party well location map-130/10/20192933Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant RFI Reminder10/10/2019336Kb
EPA S005773 Submission Notice04/10/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005773 - D Malone04/10/20191397Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Bodies Further Consult24/09/2019229Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Bodies Further Consult24/09/2019388Kb
EPA AA Screening - Notification - Submitters09/08/2019180Kb
EPA AA Screening Determination09/08/2019379Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Request for Further Information09/08/2019538Kb
EPA S005544 SubmissionNotice12/06/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005544 - An Taisce12/06/2019155Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgment S00553610/06/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005536 - B Wyse10/06/2019974Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement S00550516/05/2019180Kb
Third Party Submission No S005505 - S Ó Riain16/05/20191161Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgment S00545902/04/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005459 - D Malone02/04/2019828Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement S00534512/03/2019179Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement S00534712/03/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005345 - J & C Conway12/03/2019163Kb
Third Party Submission No S005347 - P Howlin12/03/2019144Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement S00534410/03/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005344 - B Miggin10/03/2019182Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgment07/03/2019179Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement05/03/2019179Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgment05/03/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005334 - F O'Reilly05/03/2019160Kb
Third Party Submission No S005338 - V Maguire05/03/2019125Kb
Third Party Submission No S005339 - K Maguire05/03/2019125Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement03/03/2019179Kb
Third Party Submission No S005333 - C Maguire03/03/2019147Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement01/03/201980Kb
Third Party Submission No S005331 - T & M Maguire01/03/2019184Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement11/02/2019178Kb
Third Party Submission No S005312 - S Mooney - BEAG11/02/2019584Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement09/01/2019178Kb
Third Party Submission No S005232 - P Maguire09/01/2019122Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Kildare Co Co re Observations11/12/2018322Kb
Applicant Article 8 Reply06/12/20181911Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - ABP re Observations14/09/2018178Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - ABP re Observations - EIS14/09/201853564Kb
Third Party Submission - No 4 - Balyna Environment Action Group04/09/20181209Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No 404/09/201874Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No 230/08/201878Kb
Third Party Submission - No 2 - Broadford Area Residents Association28/08/20181993Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement_EAA_I21/08/201843Kb
Third Party Submission No 3 - EAA21/08/2018514Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Article 8 Notice08/08/2018259Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - HSE18/07/2018131Kb
Third Party Submission No 1 - HSE18/07/2018199Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification re Application20/06/2018112Kb
Applicant Application Form - 0370 - 6.2 - Section 160 Order PDA15/06/201840Kb
Applicant Application Form - 0373 - GCHL Cert of Incorporation15/06/201833Kb
Applicant Application Form - 0374 - 4.3 Waste Hierarchy15/06/2018108Kb
Applicant Application Form - AA Screening - BallinderryAA ScreeningReport15/06/20181082Kb
Applicant Application Form - Application Form - Application Form - LA00164415/06/2018205Kb
Applicant Application Form - BAT Assessment - 4.7 BAT Assessment15/06/201892Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 10 BallinderryEIAR15/06/2018171Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 11BallinderryEIAR15/06/2018833Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 12 BallinderryEIAR15/06/2018248Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 1BallinderryEIAR15/06/2018971Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 2 BallinderryEIAR15/06/201812183Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 3 BallinderryEIAR15/06/20182871Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 4 BallinderryEIAR15/06/20181917Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 5BallinderryEIAR15/06/20181018Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 6BallinderryEIAR15/06/20181966Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 7BallinderryEIAR15/06/2018858Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 8 BallinderryEIAR15/06/2018709Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - Chap 9BallinderryEIAR15/06/20181111Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - NTSBallinderryEIAR201815/06/20181055Kb
Applicant Application Form - EIS - Planning - NTSBallinderryEIARApp B15/06/201811139Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions - Air Section - 7.4-1-Air-Main215/06/2018688Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions - Noise Section - Attachment-7-5-Noise-Emissions715/06/2018435Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Compliance Report - 7.1.3 Air Compliance Report15/06/201877Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Impact Assessment - 7.1.3 Air Impact Assessment Report15/06/2018328Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Impact Assessment - 7.1.3 Noise Compliance Report15/06/2018175Kb
Applicant Application Form - Emissions Impact Assessment - 7.1.3 Noise Impact Assessment Report15/06/2018438Kb
Applicant Application Form - EMT Section - Attachment-9-1-Environmental-Management-Techniques715/06/2018672Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - 01 - Site Plan - 2500 A315/06/2018616Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - 6.7 KCC Waste Licence Notification15/06/2018162Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - 6.7 - Newspaper Notice leinster leader15/06/2018293Kb
Applicant Application Form - Evidence of Notices - Section 6.7 - SITE NOTICE15/06/201866Kb
Applicant Application Form - Financial Application Section - 5-1-Financial315/06/2018348Kb
Applicant Application Form - Financial Provision Proposal - 9.1 Financial Provisions Proposal15/06/20184Kb
Applicant Application Form - Fit and Proper Declaration - Attachment 2.5 Financial Commitment Declaration15/06/2018112Kb
Applicant Application Form - Materials Used or Generated - 4.6-2-Raw-Material-Interm-Products (2)15/06/2018384Kb
Applicant Application Form - Max Waste Storage - 4.3-2-Storage-Waste-Non-Waste15/06/2018334Kb
Applicant Application Form - Non Technical Summary - 1.2 NTSWLA LA00164415/06/20181186Kb
Applicant Application Form - Operational Report - 4.8 Operational report15/06/2018714Kb
Applicant Application Form - Planning Decision - Section 6.2 - ABP Decision 09.20503915/06/201877Kb
Applicant Application Form - Planning Determination - Section 6.2 - Inspectors Report 09.20503915/06/2018103Kb
Applicant Application Form - R and D Activity Capacity - 4.3.2 Calculation of Recovery Capacity115/06/201875Kb
Applicant Application Form - Signature and Company Stamp - Attachment- 10-1-Signature-Stamp15/06/2018158Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Map - 02 - Site Location Map - 6000 A315/06/2018757Kb
Applicant Application Form - Site Plan - 01 - Site Plan - 2500 A3115/06/2018616Kb
Applicant Application Form - Stakeholder Engagement Section - Attachment-6-1-Stakeholder-Engagement V1.115/06/2018429Kb
Applicant Application Form - Waste Acceptance Procedure - 4.3 Waste Acceptance Procedures15/06/2018200Kb
Applicant Application Form - Waste Activity Calculations - 4.3.2 Calculation of Recovery Capacity15/06/201875Kb
Applicant Application Form - Waste Capacity Calculations - 4.3.2 Calculation of Recovery Capacity215/06/201875Kb
Applicant Application Form - Waste Generated Section - Attachment-8-1-Waste-(Generated)615/06/2018510Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant re Valid Application15/06/2018351Kb
EPA Letter to Planning Authority - re Observations15/06/2018110Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - ABP re Observations request15/06/2018110Kb