Chapter 12: Environment and Agriculture
by grazing animals or by mechanical means such as mowing/
topping. Since November 2015, all plant protection products
(including MCPA) must be applied by registered professional
users (including farmers) and as such users must have
received suitable training. MCPA containing products cannot
be applied within 5 metres of surface waterbodies. This
should contribute to reducing contamination of water by
Agricultural activities pose a risk of microbial
contamination of drinking water from animal excreta,
especially where there are poor farm management
practices that lead to microbial transport to waters
or where there is inappropriate land spreading near
source abstraction points. This can be exacerbated
by poor construction of abstraction points. The most
important health indicators of drinking water quality
Figure 12.7
Average Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwaters (Source: EPA)