LEAP SV29191 - Licensee Report.pdf14/12/20241420Kb
LEAP SW Visual 2023.pdf05/12/20245476Kb
LEAP Site Plan EPA.pdf05/12/2024530Kb
LEAP JMW SW.pdf08/11/2024127Kb
LEAP AER 2023.pdf14/04/2024699Kb
EPA Jim and Mark Wright17/08/2023153Kb
EPA Newspaper Notice17/08/2023330Kb
LEAP AER 2022.pdf31/05/2023683Kb
LEAP AER 2021.pdf18/05/2023677Kb
LEAP Site Photo Map.pdf16/05/2023320Kb
LEAP P0696-02 EPA RCA 2021.pdf16/05/202311142Kb
LEAP AER 2020.pdf16/05/2023677Kb
LEAP AER 2019.pdf15/05/2023676Kb
LEAP JMW Crosses AER 2018.pdf11/05/20231039Kb
LEAP SV21744 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023338Kb
LEAP SV14739 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023328Kb
AER P069602-AER 201711/04/20181085Kb
AER P069602-AER 201627/06/2017930Kb
EPA Letter to Licensee - Re Refund Decision28/04/201744Kb
EPA Director Decision - Re Refund27/04/201728Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - Re Refund27/04/201795Kb
EPA Technical Amendment - Refusal - Director Decision04/04/2017183Kb
Applicant EPA Report - S76A(11)Amendment - ScreeningReport14/03/201713Kb
Applicant EPA Report - S76A(11)Amendment - TA CA Application Report14/03/201717Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Planners Report14/03/20171027Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Screening14/03/2017836Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Site Plan14/03/20171142Kb
EPA Technical Amendment - Refusal - Inspector Report14/03/2017252Kb
EPA Technical Amendment - Refusal - Letter to Licensee14/03/2017714Kb
AER P069602-AER 201512/07/20161478Kb
AER P069602-AER 201405/06/20151409Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Technical Amendment request Refusal20/01/201575Kb
EPA Director Decision - re TA refusal12/12/2014351Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - re TA refusal12/12/2014316Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re acknowledgement of TA request18/09/201428Kb
Applicant Technical Amendment Request08/08/20142215Kb
AER P069602-AER 201324/05/2014837Kb
EPA IE Amendment16/12/201338Kb
EPA IE Amendment-Director Decision16/12/201331Kb
EPA IE Amendment-Letter to Licensee16/12/201314Kb
AER P069602-AER 201218/05/2013728Kb
EPA Letter - Re Technical Amendment A15/04/201322Kb
EPA Technical Amendment - A15/04/2013158Kb
EPA Director Decision - Re Technical Amendment A05/04/201356Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - Re Technical Amendment A05/04/201340Kb
EPA Recommended Determination - Re Technical Amendment A05/04/2013120Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Planning Ref 12/372. PA notifi05/02/201366Kb
Third Party Letter from Third Party - Planning Ref 12/372 - PA30/01/2013841Kb
AER P069602-AER 201131/03/20121323Kb
EPA Final Determination16/02/20123911Kb
EPA Board Extract01/03/201138Kb
EPA Final Decision - Press notice18/02/2011365Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Final Determination16/02/201187Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Returning Confidential Information16/02/201176Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority - Re: Register on public file16/02/201160Kb
EPA Letters to Third Parties - Re Final Determination16/02/2011143Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - Re Final Determination16/02/2011830Kb
EPA Newspaper Notice - Re Proposed Determination13/01/2011307Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - PD issue - E-mail Notification12/01/201137Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority - PD issue - Register of Licenses11/01/2011219Kb
EPA Proposed Determination11/01/201151422Kb
EPA Proposed Determination Notification - Applicant11/01/201178Kb
EPA Proposed Determination Notification - Submittors11/01/2011126Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - PD issue11/01/2011568Kb
EPA Director Decision07/01/201140Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report06/01/2011753Kb
EPA Recommended Determination06/01/20111114Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Article 25 - Compliance16/12/201038Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Section 90 Compliance16/12/201041Kb
Applicant Section 90 Reply 210/11/2010687Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant -Section 90 Acknowledgement10/11/201037Kb
EPA Notification - Re Section 9005/11/2010108Kb
EPA Director Decision - re Confidential Info07/10/20105474Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Confidential Information07/10/2010533Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - Re Confidential Information30/09/20103575Kb
Applicant Section 90 Reply 115/09/20101025Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Section 90 Acknowledgement15/09/201034Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No 211/08/201082Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Section 90 Notification29/07/2010146Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement - No. 1 Monaghan Co. Co.28/07/201061Kb
Third Party Submission - No. 1 Monaghan Co. Co.27/07/2010122Kb
Third Party Submission - No 2 Peter Sweetman06/07/201057Kb
EPA Application Acknowledgement23/06/201044Kb
EPA Letter to Local Authority - Re Register23/06/201064Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification23/06/2010597Kb
Applicant Application Form21/06/20105316Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachments B21/06/2010276Kb
Applicant Application Form - Cover Letter21/06/201057Kb
Applicant EIS21/06/20104617Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Re Application14/06/201065Kb
EPA Notification - Re Section 9022/03/2010149Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Review Request - Acknowledgement14/01/201038Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Re Review Request18/12/200958Kb