LEAP SV14700 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/20231325Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment - B-F 2874Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment - G-K 561Kb
Applicant Application Form - Attachment - L1 4771Kb
Applicant Application Form - Non Technical Summary - Volume 2 2757Kb
Applicant Application Form - Table of Contents - Volume 2 76Kb
Applicant Application Form - Volume 1 4645Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - 1 49Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - 2 7493Kb
Applicant Article 14 Reply - 2a 2926Kb
EPA Board Extract 14Kb
EPA Board Extract - Proposed Decision - 1 15Kb
EPA Board Extract - Proposed Decision - 2 20Kb
EPA Director Decision - Licence Ceased 152Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 11 1873Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 12 7750Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 1-2 2264Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 13 5813Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 14 240Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 15 1991Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 3-4 2617Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 5-6i 1727Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 5-6ii 9763Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 7 2148Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 8 2839Kb
Applicant EIS - Attachment - 9-10 7202Kb
Applicant EIS - Drawing - 1 2388Kb
Applicant EIS - Drawing - 2 1873Kb
Applicant EIS - Non Technical Summary 1540Kb
Applicant EIS - Table of Contents 411Kb
EPA Final Decision - ceased 232Kb
EPA Final Decision Notification 19Kb
EPA Inspectors Report 116Kb
Third Party Letter Re Planning 80Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Acknowledgement 68Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Final Decision 90Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Objection 71Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant Re Proposed Decision 16Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Final Decision 602Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Objection 64Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Oral Hearing 95Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party Re Proposed Decision 54Kb
EPA Notice to Applicant - Re: Article 14 44Kb
Third Party Objection 1 - Ballyfermot Travellers Action Project 654Kb
EPA Objection Acknowledgement 74Kb
EPA Proposed Decision 227Kb
EPA Proposed Decision - Memo to Board - 1 28Kb
EPA Proposed Decision - Memo to Board - 2 38Kb
EPA Proposed Decision - Memo to Board - 3 62Kb
EPA Proposed Decision Notification 45Kb
EPA Recommended Decision 908Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification 1960Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification 550Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification 56Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification 2049Kb
Third Party Submission 10-Bernadette Warren 31Kb
Third Party Submission 11-Christina Dwyer 33Kb
Third Party Submission 12-Gerry Boyd 41Kb
Third Party Submission 13-URS 226Kb
Third Party Submission 1-Eastern Regional Fisheries Board 121Kb
Third Party Submission 2-Ballyfermot Travellers Action Project 191Kb
Third Party Submission 4-Gerry Royal 39Kb
Third Party Submission 5-Bernadette Warren 35Kb
Third Party Submission 6-Christina Dwyer 45Kb
Third Party Submission 7-Francis Muldowney 88Kb
Third Party Submission 8-William Mangan 45Kb
Third Party Submission 9-Markievicz Community Centre 138Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement 412Kb
EPA Submission Acknowledgement 92Kb
EPA Submission on Objection Acknowledgement 48Kb
Applicant Submission on Objection by Applicant 5815Kb
EPA Technical Committee Report 113Kb