EPA S010872 Submission Notice10/01/2023158Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - EIS EIAR - Enter Consultations with PA A06/01/2023218Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Bodies Request for Obvs Reminder - LACT06/01/2023477Kb
EPA Email to DHLG&H - EIA Portal Confirmation Notice07/12/2022229Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - EIS EIAR - Enter Consultations with PA A06/12/2022218Kb
EPA Notification to Applicant Accepted Application - LACT0001223206/12/2022340Kb
EPA Notification to Planning Bodies Request for Information Observat06/12/2022371Kb
EPA SpecifiedBodies-LA00744206/12/202299Kb
EPA Scoping Opinion25/10/20221708Kb
EPA Letter to Licensee - Initiated Review - Outstanding Info03/06/2022402Kb
EPA Letter to Licensee - Initiated Review10/11/2021321Kb
EPA Director Decision08/09/2021361Kb
EPA D0052-01 Mallow Examination Report30/06/2021435Kb