LEAP SV28958 - Licensee Report.pdf06/10/2024384Kb
LEAP MCML Annual Report 2023.pdf04/07/20244430Kb
LEAP MCML AER 2023.pdf02/05/2024368Kb
LEAP Landfill Gas Monitoring Results Q4 2023.pdf19/01/2024504Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI026786.pdf19/01/2024135Kb
LEAP SV26800 - Licensee Report.pdf18/01/2024384Kb
LEAP W015101EPA Response 16 Dec 2021.pdf04/10/2023250Kb
LEAP EPA Reply Letter 24.11.2021.pdf04/10/2023188Kb
LEAP EPA Response Letter 10.09.21.pdf04/10/2023209Kb
LEAP GCU0272001 W0151 Void Calculations Sept 2021.pdf04/10/2023259Kb
LEAP Report (Gormanston) rev0 CT 270220.pdf04/10/20234646Kb
LEAP Memo 3 ERA Gormanston rev0 CT 031219.pdf03/10/20231834Kb
LEAP Memo 2 (ERA Gormanston) rev1 CT 131119.pdf03/10/2023931Kb
LEAP Memo 1 (ERA Gormanston) rev1 KF 181019.pdf03/10/2023214Kb
LEAP ERA Proposal (Gormanston) rev0 CT 270919.pdf03/10/202363Kb
LEAP MEG Response to 24.07.19.pdf03/10/20231306Kb
LEAP MEG Topographical Survey 2019.pdf03/10/2023668Kb
LEAP Murphy EPA Map 2019.pdf03/10/2023119Kb
LEAP Murphy EPA Map 2018.pdf03/10/2023119Kb
LEAP Letter Re Detailed Site Map Update 13.03.19.pdf03/10/2023443Kb
LEAP RE Crushed Concrete, Emmett Tolan.pdf03/10/202377Kb
LEAP Letter Re CI Crushed Concrete CI 001727.pdf03/10/2023404Kb
LEAP Letter Re Agency Agreement CI 001727.pdf03/10/2023379Kb
LEAP Tracblast Dockets.pdf03/10/20239924Kb
LEAP Letter Re CI Waste Records, CI001727.pdf03/10/2023603Kb
LEAP John Watson Plant Hire Dockets.pdf03/10/20234368Kb
LEAP John Tinnelly Docket No. 6068, 06.06.18.pdf03/10/2023711Kb
LEAP Huxley Haulage Docket No. 4536, 06.04.18.pdf03/10/2023653Kb
LEAP GSG Report for Crushed Stone 2018.pdf03/10/202343Kb
LEAP ELJAY Plant Hire Ltd. Dockets.pdf03/10/20231297Kb
LEAP DCC Dowling Dockets.pdf03/10/202324687Kb
LEAP David Boylan Dockets.pdf03/10/20237923Kb
LEAP Clarkes Fresh Fruit Dockets 81-121 upload.pdf03/10/202327841Kb
LEAP Clarkes Fresh Fruit Dockets 41-80 upload.pdf03/10/202328987Kb
LEAP Clarkes Fresh Fruit Dockets 1to 40 upload.pdf03/10/202337890Kb
LEAP Clarkes Fresh Fruit Dockets 122 156 upload.pdf03/10/202327841Kb
LEAP Ciaran White Dockets.pdf03/10/20233524Kb
LEAP Cash Sale Account Dockets.pdf03/10/20236476Kb
LEAP BH Imports Dockets.pdf03/10/202331667Kb
LEAP B. Watson Dockets.pdf03/10/20236789Kb
LEAP MCM Letter Request for Extension.pdf03/10/2023494Kb
LEAP MCM Letter Request for Extension.pdf03/10/2023494Kb
LEAP MCM Letter Request for Extension.pdf03/10/2023494Kb
LEAP W015-01 Dust Q2 2023 Final.pdf28/09/2023920Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI025826.pdf24/09/2023131Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI025390.pdf24/09/2023135Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI023516.pdf23/09/2023135Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI021303.pdf22/09/2023134Kb
LEAP 2021_01 GW Exceedance EPA Request Memo 27.04.21.pdf22/09/20238247Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI020744.pdf22/09/2023130Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI018828.pdf21/09/2023134Kb
LEAP Snapshot-INCI014646.pdf13/09/2023205Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q2 2023Final.pdf25/06/20231159Kb
EPA Director Decision - Licence Amendment09/06/2023225Kb
Applicant E-mail from Applicant - Murphy Concrete emails re. TA08/06/202379Kb
EPA EPA emails to Murphy Concrete re. TA08/06/202377Kb
Applicant EPA Report - S76A(11)Amendment - ScreeningReport08/06/2023103Kb
Applicant EPA Report - S76A(11)Amendment - TA CA Application Report08/06/2023106Kb
EPA Inspector Report - Licence Amendment08/06/2023545Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - MCM TA Request Letter to the EPA Final 19Dec202208/06/2023184Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - MCM TA Request Letter to the EPA Final9Dec2022 108/06/2023184Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - MCM TA Request Letter to the EPA Final9Dec2022 208/06/2023184Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Remedial AA MCM Final08/06/20231719Kb
EPA W0151-01 Inspector Report - Licence Amendment08/06/2023545Kb
EPA W0151-01 TA Refusal letter to Licensee (Waste)08/06/2023130Kb
LEAP AER_W0151_2022.pdf31/05/2023306Kb
LEAP SV26956 - Licensee Report.pdf31/05/2023426Kb
LEAP SV26956 - Licensee Public Response.pdf19/05/2023924Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q4, 2022.pdf19/05/20231390Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q4 2022 rev0.pdf19/05/20231841Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q3 2022.pdf19/05/20231861Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q3 2022 rev0.pdf19/05/20232182Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q3 2022.pdf19/05/2023828Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Dust Q2, 2022.pdf18/05/20231216Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q2 2022.pdf18/05/2023815Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q2, 2022.pdf18/05/2023775Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q2 2022.pdf18/05/20231934Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q2 2022 rev0.pdf18/05/20232076Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q1 2022.pdf18/05/20232545Kb
LEAP AER_W0151_2021v2.pdf18/05/2023335Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q4, 2021.pdf18/05/2023731Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q4 2021 rev0.pdf18/05/20232089Kb
LEAP MCM Tonnage Reports W0151-01 2003-2021.pdf16/05/20234139Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q3, 2021.pdf16/05/20231102Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q3 2021.pdf16/05/20231993Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q3 2021 rev0.pdf16/05/20232097Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q3 2021.pdf16/05/20231148Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q3, 2021.pdf16/05/20231099Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q2 2021.pdf16/05/20231135Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q2 2021.pdf16/05/20231539Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q2 2021 rev0.pdf16/05/20231995Kb
LEAP Waste Tonnages 2011 - 2021 - V1.pdf16/05/2023352Kb
LEAP 2021_01 GW Exceedance EPA Request Memo 27.04.21.pdf16/05/20238247Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q1, 2021.pdf16/05/20231171Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q1 2021 rev0.pdf16/05/20232361Kb
LEAP AER_W0151_2020.pdf16/05/2023323Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q4 2020.pdf16/05/20231152Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q4, 2020.pdf16/05/2023780Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q4 2020.pdf16/05/20231678Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q3, 2020.pdf16/05/20231180Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q3 2020.pdf16/05/20231708Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q3 2020.pdf16/05/20232184Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q2, 2020.pdf15/05/20231230Kb
LEAP Letter to EPA re Restoration Plan Infill 2020.pdf15/05/2023269Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q2, 2020.pdf15/05/20231226Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q2 2020.pdf15/05/20231666Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q2 2020.pdf15/05/20231746Kb
LEAP Letter to EPA re amendment to Restoration Plan.pdf15/05/202338Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q2 2020.pdf15/05/20231095Kb
LEAP AER W0151_2019.pdf15/05/2023603Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q1 2020 Final.pdf15/05/20232458Kb
LEAP AER W0151_2019.pdf15/05/2023591Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q4, 2019.pdf15/05/20231173Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q4 2019.pdf15/05/20231684Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q3, 2019.pdf12/05/20231114Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q3 2019.pdf11/05/2023821Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q3 2019.pdf11/05/20231641Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q3 2019.pdf11/05/20231771Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q2, 2019.pdf11/05/20231152Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q2, 2019.pdf11/05/20231131Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q2 2019.pdf11/05/20231793Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q2, 2019.pdf11/05/20231218Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q2 2019.pdf11/05/20231078Kb
LEAP Letter re new job details starting the 19.06.19.pdf11/05/2023445Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q1 2019.pdf11/05/20231497Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q1 2019.pdf11/05/20232190Kb
LEAP PDF AER W0151_2018.pdf10/05/2023601Kb
LEAP Site Visit SV17483 Response.pdf10/05/2023841Kb
LEAP EPA 22.02.19.pdf10/05/20231027Kb
LEAP ME Closed and Reduced Hours.pdf10/05/2023372Kb
LEAP Updated Man. structure 24.01.19.pdf10/05/2023326Kb
LEAP Management Structure 24.01.19.pdf10/05/2023519Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q4, 2018.pdf10/05/20231216Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q4 2018.pdf10/05/20231726Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q3, 2018.pdf10/05/20231177Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q3 2018.pdf10/05/20231086Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q3 2018.pdf10/05/20231395Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q3 2018.pdf10/05/20231872Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q2, 2018.pdf10/05/20231170Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q2, 2018.pdf10/05/20231133Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q4 2017.pdf10/05/20231180Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Q4, 2017.pdf10/05/20231145Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q4, 2017.pdf10/05/20231245Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q4 2017.pdf10/05/20231759Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Surface Water Q2, 2018.pdf10/05/20231174Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q2 2018.pdf10/05/20231689Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Leachate Q1 2018.pdf10/05/20231103Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Groundwater Q1 2018.pdf10/05/20231879Kb
LEAP W0151-01 Gas Q1 2018.pdf10/05/2023880Kb
LEAP SV15319 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023348Kb
LEAP SV19385 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023858Kb
LEAP SV23684 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023381Kb
LEAP SV19071 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023371Kb
LEAP SV17483 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023328Kb
LEAP SV16633 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023348Kb
AER W015101-AER 201728/03/2018586Kb
AER W015101-AER 201611/03/20171050Kb
AER W015101-AER 201505/04/2016665Kb
AER W015101-AER 201401/04/2015668Kb
AER W015101-AER 201304/04/2014640Kb
AER W015101-AER 201207/04/20131389Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Re Technical Amendment14/02/201341Kb
EPA Letter to Third Party - Re Technical Amendment14/02/2013287Kb
EPA Specified Body Notification - Re Technical Amendment14/02/2013360Kb
EPA Technical Amendment - A14/02/2013245Kb
EPA Director Decision - Re Technical Amendment13/02/201338Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - Re Technical Amendment13/02/2013141Kb
EPA Recommended Decision - Re Technical Amendment13/02/2013233Kb
AER W015101-AER 201122/06/2012918Kb
AER W015101-AER 201003/06/20111057Kb
AER W015101-AER 200907/05/20102388Kb
AER W015101-AER 200822/05/20094210Kb
EPA Final Decision05/06/2003139Kb
EPA EOassessments-W0151-01.pdf 163Kb
EPA EOassessment-W0151-01.pdf 217Kb
EPA Inspectors Report 79Kb
EPA Proposed Decision 153Kb