EPA Letter to Applicant - Withdrawal Acknowledgement25/05/202291Kb
EPA Decision re Withdrawal & Refund Memo17/05/202256Kb
EPA Inspector's Report - Withdrawal & Refund17/05/202278Kb
EPA Programme Manager Decision - Withdrawal & Refund17/05/202256Kb
EPA Inspector's Report - Request Withdrawal25/02/202273Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Request to Withdraw25/02/2022118Kb
EPA Programme Manager Decision25/02/202281Kb
EPA Landfill - Reg 7(5) - Extension Notification - 222/02/2022267Kb
EPA Regulation 7(4) Response Acknowledgement14/01/2022134Kb
EPA Regulation 7(4) Response - Acknowledgement08/12/2021135Kb
EPA Regulation 7(4) Notice24/11/2021123Kb
EPA Landfill - Reg 7(5) - Extension Notification - 117/09/2021267Kb
EPA Email to Applicant - Application Acknowledgement01/06/2021595Kb
EPA Landfill - Valid Application Submitted - 131/05/2021267Kb