Search for a Dumping at Sea (DaS) application, permit or Environment Information

The material contained on this website relating to permit applications is made available by the EPA in performance of its statutory functions and under requirements of the EU Directive on Access to Information on the Environment [2003/4/EC]. The material on the following search pages includes summary details of permit applications and certain related documents in electronic PDF format. At present, PDF documents available online include:

  • All permits granted to-date
  • Annual Environmental Reports

Application documents in PDF format are provided on this site as soon as possible upon receipt by the EPA and every effort is made to ensure completeness and accuracy of files, subject to the following disclaimer.

Note that any views expressed in permit application and related files are the views of the author(s). The EPA is not responsible for views by other parties and accepts no responsibility for them. Any person making a submission or objection on a permit application to the EPA should note that the EPA is obliged by law to provide that submission or objection to any member of the public who requests it, and should phrase that submission or objection accordingly. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Any queries concerning Annual Environmental Reports should be directed to the Licence Enforcement Unit at tel. 053-9160600

Information on access to hardcopy licence application files and hardcopy licence enforcement Information is also available

Before proceeding to search for a permit application, please tick the box below to confirm that you have read the above information and that you require to access permit application files for the purpose of exercising your right of public inspection.