EPA Reg No. | S0024-02 ![]() |
DAFF Ref: | |
Applicant: | Dublin Port Company (Dublin Port) Dublin. |
Location of Loading: | The loading areas are within Dublin Harbour and comprise the following elements:- 1) Berthing pocket and approach to new riverside Berth 53; 2) Lengthening of existing Berth 50A; 3) Deepening and widening of existing Oil Berth 3; and 4) Localised widening of the main navigation chennel, along its southern margin, to allow new ferries to safely turn. |
Location of Disposal Site: | It is proposed to dispose of the dredged sediments at the existing licenced offshore disposal site located at the entrance to Dublin Bay to the west of the Burford Bank. The site is charted as a spoil site on Admiralty Charts. The site has been in use since 1996. The area comprises approximatley 212 hectares and is adjacent to the previous disposal site used form 1960 to 1996. The average depth of water at the licenced offshore disposal site is 16.9m CD. |
Description of Activity: | The proposed capital dredging activities form an integral part of Dublin Port Companys MP2 Project (ABP-304888-19). The MP2 Project complements the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR) Project (29N.PA0034), which is currently under construction, in providing capacity for growth in the Roll On Roll Off (Ro-Ro) and Load On Load Off (Lo-Lo) modes on the north side of the port and at its eastern end in addition to providing suitable infrastructure for increasing numbers of ferry passengers. |
Application Date: | 4/08/2020 |
Permit Status: | Granted |
Permit Expiry Date: | N/A |
Proposed Decision issued date: | N/A |
Closing date for objections to Proposed Decision: | N/A |
Final Decision issued date: | 27/07/2022 |
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