Select the area of interest from the drop-down menu below to view the most recent and historic biological survey results.

Biotic indices ("Q Values") reflect average water quality at any location as follows:-

Q Value*WFD StatusPollution StatusCondition**
Q5, Q4-5HighUnpollutedSatisfactory
Q3-4ModerateSlightly pollutedUnsatisfactory
Q3, Q2-3PoorModerately pollutedUnsatisfactory
Q2, Q1-2, Q1BadSeriously pollutedUnsatisfactory

* These Values are based primarily on the relative proportions of pollution sensitive to tolerant macroinvertebrates (the young stages of insects primarily but also snails, worms, shrimps etc.) resident at a river site.

** "Condition" refers to the likelihood of interference with beneficial or potential beneficial uses.

Also presented is a description of the exact location surveyed with relevant OS Grid Reference, Discovery Series map reference, relevant Local Authority and the immediate upstream catchment characteristics i.e., altitude, area, geology and land use.

Hydrometric Area :
*Note: depending on your connection, and the size of the hydrometric area requested, results could take a few minutes to appear*