EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Ireland’s Environment – An Integrated Assessment 2020 Teagasc, 2012. A Marginal Abatement Cost Curve for Irish Agriculture . Teagasc submission to the National Climate Policy Development Consultation. Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/media/website/publications/2012/1186_Marginal_ Abatement_Cost_Curve_for_Irish_Agriculture.pdf (accessed 7 September 2020). Teagasc, 2015. An Analysis of the Cost of the Abatement of Ammonia Emissions in Irish Agriculture to 2030 . Teagasc submission to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/media/ website/publications/2015/An-Analysis-of-the-Cost-of-the-Abatement-of-Ammonia-Emissions-in-Irish-Agriculture- to-2030.pdf (accessed 7 September 2020). Teagasc, 2018. An Analysis of Abatement Potential of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Irish Agriculture 2021-2030 . Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/media/website/publications/2018/An-Analysis-of-Abatement-Potential-of- Greenhouse-Gas-Emissions-in-Irish-Agriculture-2021-2030.pdf (accessed 4 September 2020). Teagasc, 2019a. Updated Ammonia Abatement Potential in the Projected S1 Activity Scenario . Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/publications/2019/updated-ammonia-abatement-potential-in-the-projected-s1-activity-scenario.php (accessed 7 September 2020) Teagasc, 2019b. T Research Spring 2019. Volume 14: Number 1. Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/publications/2019/tresearch-spring-2019.php (accessed 24 July 2020). Teagasc, 2020a. Teagasc National Farm Survey 2019 Preliminary Results . Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/ publications/2020/teagasc-national-farm-survey-2019-preliminary-results.php (accessed 9 July 2020). Teagasc, 2020b. An analysis of the Cost of the Abatement of Ammonia Emissions in Irish Agriculture to 2030. Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/media/website/publications/2020/NH3-Ammonia-MACC.pdf (accessed 2 October 2020). Teagasc and NPWS (National Parks and Wildlife Service), 2020. Farming for Nature: The Role of Results-based Payments . Teagasc and NPWS, Wexford, Ireland. UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), 2014. Decision 24/CP.19. Revision of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual inventories included in Annex I to the Convention. Available online: https://unfccc.int/ process-and-meetings/conferences/past-conferences/warsaw-climate-change-conference-november-2013/cop-19/cop-19- decisions (accessed 7 September 2020). 350