EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Ireland’s Environment – An Integrated Assessment 2020 Local Water Catchment Assessments to Locate Problem Areas Water catchment walks and assessments are being carried out to evaluate water quality problems at the field scale level. In 2018, the LAWPRO Catchment Assessment Team was established to carry out Local Catchment Assessments within the 190 Areas for Action. The purpose of the Local Catchment Assessments is to carry out catchment, stream, street and shore walks to evaluate water quality problems at the field scale, the options for addressing them and how to implement agreed actions at water body level to improve water quality. Thirty-five scientists are undertaking the work as part of LAWPRO. The Catchment Assessment Teams are also working closely with other bodies (Topic Box 13.4) that have local knowledge and expertise and can contribute to the implementation of actions. Further information is provided in Chapter 7. Topic Box 13.4 Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advice Service engaging with farmers An integral part of the work being undertaken to improve water bodies involves close collaboration with farmers. This work is being carried out by the Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advice Service (ASSAP) 10 . The ASSAP advisory programme has 20 Teagasc advisors, funded by the DAFM and Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and ten specialist dairy advisors, funded by Dairy Sustainability Ireland. ASSAP is focusing on knowledge exchange and collaboration with farmers to co-design the best solutions that are specific to each farm. It is encouraging behavioural change, best practice and more environmentally sustainable farming practices. The 30 expert advisors are working directly with farmers and their existing advisors on voluntary farm-level action plans – looking at yards, lands and nutrient management planning. Up to 5000 farmers are to receive support and advice. This support will focus on issues within the 190 prioritised catchment Areas for Action. In addition, 18,000 dairy farmers will receive advice on sustainable farming practices under the Dairy Sustainability Initiative. 11 All of these schemes and advisory initiatives have the potential to make a significant contribution to improving farm practices nationally, with the overall objective of reducing the environmental impacts of agricultural activities. This will be achieved only through a coordinated programme of activities based on mutual cooperation and respect among all stakeholders. Monitoring, verification and reporting are important components of implementation, providing the necessary evidence to gauge performance at both farm and catchment levels. Dialogue and consensus are essential, as is ongoing knowledge exchange based on the evidence. 10 https://www.teagasc.ie/media/website/publications/2019/Agricultural- Sustainability-Support-and-Advisory-Programme-(ASSAP).pdf 11 http://eda2018.eu/dairy-sustainability-ireland/ 342