EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Ireland’s Environment – An Integrated Assessment 2020 Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, 2019b. Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning and Governance Models in EU Metropolitan Regions . Available online: https://www.eltis.org/sites/default/files/annex_good_practices_collection.pdf (accessed 24 February 2020). DTTAS (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport), 2019a. Oireachtas Joint Committee on Climate Action, Wednesday 27 November 2019: Statement by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. Available online: https://data. oireachtas.ie/ie/oireachtas/committee/dail/32/joint_committee_on_climate_action/submissions/2019/2019-11-28_opening- statement-deirdre-hanlon-assistant-secretary-public-transport-sustainability-and-climate-change-department-of-transport- tourism-and-sport_en.pdf (accessed 7 January 2020). DTTAS (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport), 2019b. Sustainable Mobility Policy Review, Background Paper 2: Active Travel . Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Dublin. DTTAS (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport), 2019c. Sustainable Mobility Policy Review Background Paper 5: Greener Buses – Alternative Fuel Options for the Urban Bus Fleet . Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Dublin. dublinbikes, 2020. Just Eat dublinbikes – latest figures 29th February 2020. Available online: http://www.dublinbikes.ie/Magazine/Reports/Just-Eat-dublinbikes-latest-figures (accessed 24 April 2020). EEA (European Environment Agency), 2016. Transitions towards a More Sustainable Mobility System – TERM 2016: Transport Indicators Tracking Progress towards Environmental Targets in Europe . EEA Report No. 34/2016. EEA, Copenhagen. Available online: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/term-report-2016 (accessed 30 October 2020). EEA (European Environment Agency), 2019a. The European Environment – State and Outlook 2020: Knowledge for Transition to a Sustainable Europe . EEA, Copenhagen. Available online: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/soer- 2020 (accessed 21 January 2020). EEA (European Environment Agency), 2019b. Air Quality in Europe – 2019 Report . EEA, Copenhagen. Available online: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/air-quality-in-europe-2019. EEA (European Environment Agency), 2020a. Data viewer on greenhouse gas emissions and removals – EU Member States – emission source IPCC sector 1.D.1.a (International Aviation Memo item). Available online: https://www.eea. europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/data-viewers/greenhouse-gases-viewer (accessed 25 February 2020). EEA (European Environment Agency), 2020b. The First and Last Mile – the Key to Sustainable Urban Transport: Transport and Environment Report 2019 . European Environment Agency. Available online: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/ the-first-and-last-mile/ (accessed 24 February 2020). EEA (European Environment Agency) and FOEN (Federal Office of the Environment), 2016. Urban Sprawl in Europe: Joint EEA-FOEN Report . Available online: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/urban-sprawl-in-europe (accessed 4 January 2020). EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2019. Air Quality in Ireland 2018 . EPA, Wexford, Ireland. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2020a. Ireland’s National Inventory Report 2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2018 . Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford, Ireland. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2020b. Informative Inventory Report 2020 Air Pollutant Emissions in Ireland 1990-2018 . Available online: https://www.epa.ie/pubs/reports/air/airemissions/airpollutantemissions/iir2020/ (accessed 4 August 2020). EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2020c. Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projections 2019-2040 . Available online: http://www.epa.ie/pubs/reports/air/airemissions/ghgprojections2019-2040/ (accessed 4 August 2020). EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2020d. Recent trends in nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) levels in air (Ireland). Available online: https://www.epa.ie/newsandevents/news/pressreleases2020/name,69166,en.html (accessed 4 August 2020). EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2020e. Air Quality in Ireland 2019 . EPA, Wexford, Ireland. 300