EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Chapter 10: Environment and Industry Figure 10.2  Flowchart of the licensing process (Source: EPA) SUMMARY OF INDUSTRIAL EMISSIONS & IPC LICENSING PROCESSES Applicant applies for licence or review of licence Consideration by EPA Board Oral hearing Report on oral hearing Applicant erects site notice Applicant notifies Planning Authority EPA publishes FD and notifies all parties PRE-APPLICATION STAGE POST-PROPOSED DETERMINATION PRE-PROPOSED DETERMINATION 8 WEEKS STATUTORY DEADLINE 4 MONTHS STATUTORY DEADLINE 28 DAYS 1 Applicant may make pre-application enquiry EPA assesses application EPA Board determines application EPA issues Proposed Determination (PD) 4 If objection(s) received by EPA EPA issues a Final Determination (FD) 6 The EPA shall review a licence: Subject to Section 90(4) and (5) and Section 991(7) of the EPA Act 1992 as amended, either periodically or after such period as may be prescribed. The EPA may review a licence at any time with the consent, or on the application, of the licensee. The EPA makes available all licensing documentation on www.epa.ie Parties have 8 weeks to apply for a Judicial Review EPA notifies statutory consultees EPA receives submissions from any person EPA requests additional information Applicant submits additional information EPA publishes PD and notifies all parties EPA may receive objections / oral hearing requests EPA assesses objections/submissions 5 EPA receives submissions on objections EPA circulates objections to other objectors and applicant Where no objections are received Applicant may apply for waiver or refund of fee 2 Applicant publishes notice of intention to apply for a licence in newspaper EPA decision on oral hearing request EPA makes decision on request for refund of fee 3 259