EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Chapter 9: Waste IFFPG (Irish Farm Film Producers’ Group), 2020. About us. Available online: https://www.farmplastics.ie/about-us/ (accessed 16 March 2020). NTFSO (National TransFrontier Shipment Office), 2020. Brian Heffernan, personal communication. O’Sullivan, K. (2020). Coastwatch litter survey reveals encouraging trend . Irish Times , 16 January. Available online: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/coastwatch-litter-survey-reveals-encouraging-trend-1.4142156 (accessed 31 July 2020). Repak ELT (2019). Repak ELT Annual Report 2018. Available online: https://repakelt.ie/wp-content-uploads-2019-06-relt- annual-report-2018-pdf/ (accessed 29 December 2019). RWMPOs (Regional Waste Management Planning Offices) 2020. Hugh Coughlan, personal communication. WERLA (Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authorities) 2020. Anti-Dumping Initiative Report 2019 To the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment – April 2020. WERLA-R-5593. Available online: http://www.werla.ie/wp- content/uploads/2020/04/ADI-3.4.2020.pdf (accessed 4 November 2020). 255