EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Chapter 9: Waste Waste Awareness and Information Initiatives Waste data and information is now more accessible online. The EPA’s National Waste Statistics website was established to provide accessible and timely waste data and information for the public: http://www.epa.ie/ nationalwastestatistics/. The EPA also provides information on industrial and waste sector licence enforcement in an online resource: https:// www.epa.ie/industrialwastedata/. MyWaste 38 is a Government of Ireland initiative, developed by the regional waste management planning offices. The website provides the public with a single national online resource for information on how to manage waste responsibly and efficiently, where to find local waste services and recycling facilities and information on all aspects of the waste hierarchy, from prevention to disposal. Awareness campaigns focus on gaps in citizens’ knowledge and are informed by the waste industry and other stakeholders. 38 www.mywaste.ie Incentivising Household Waste Management Waste bye-laws have been introduced, obliging households and commercial premises to provide proof of how they manage their waste. Local authorities have introduced waste bye-laws obliging all households, apartments and commercial premises to participate in an authorised waste collection service or provide documentary proof of alternative means they use to dispose of their waste. The latest available estimates are that 84 per cent of households have kerbside bins or share kerbside bins, 4 per cent use a pre-paid bag collection service, 8 per cent bring it to a recycling centre and 1 per cent bring it to work (CSO, 2016). 247