EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Chapter 9: Waste Table 9.1  Producer responsibility initiatives in Ireland (Source: EPA) WASTE STREAM EU OR NATIONAL STATUS Packaging EU In 2018, >1 million tonnes of packaging waste were generated, of which 64% was recycled (66% in 2017). Most packaging waste was paper and cardboard (40%) and plastic (25%) with smaller amounts of glass, wood, metal and textiles. See Topic Box 9.2. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) EU More than 62,700 tonnes of WEEE were collected for treatment in 2018. Ireland’s 61% WEEE collection rate exceeded the EU’s 45% target; moreover, a challenging 65% target comes into force for reference year 2019. Some 55,754 tonnes of WEEE were recovered in 2018 and 52,010 tonnes were prepared for reuse or recycling (increases of 17% and 19%, respectively on the 2017 quantities). Of the WEEE collected, 73% was treated in Ireland (nearly all of this was then exported for final treatment). End-of-life vehicles (ELVs) a EU More than 162,500 ELVs were treated in Ireland in 2018, an increase of almost 22,000 vehicles (or 16%) on the previous year. Ireland achieved full compliance with the current targets for the first time in 2018, achieving a reuse and recycling rate of 86% and a reuse and recovery rate of 95%. Batteries and accumulators EU All legislative targets for portable battery collection rates and for the recycling efficiency of various battery types have been met. In 2019, 47% of portable waste batteries were collected b (EU target 45%). End-of-life tyres National Producers placed 3.8 million car tyres on the market in 2018 and 31,000 tonnes of waste tyres were recovered: 1% were reused, 96% were recycled and 3% were sent for energy recovery (Repak ELT, 2019). Farm plastics National The Irish Farm Film Producers Group operates over 230 bring centres annually and provides a farmyard collection service. Between 28,000 and 30,000 tonnes of farm plastics are recycled each year (IFFPG, 2020). a ELVs are cars or light commercial vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tonnes that are discarded as waste. b In reference to portable batteries placed on the market in the preceding 3 years. 231