EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Ireland’s Environment – An Integrated Assessment 2020 Figure 1  Summary of the overall key messages from the 2020 state of environment report for Ireland SOE 1: Environmental Policy Position A national policy position for Ireland’s environment. SOE 2: Full Implementation Full implementation of existing environmental legislation and a review of the governance around the coordination on environmental protection across public bodies. SOE 3: Health and Wellbeing Protecting the Environment is an Investment in Our Health and Wellbeing We Need Vision and Implementation to Protect Ireland’s Environment and our Health and Wellbeing SOE 4: Climate Systemic change is required for Ireland to become the climate-neutral and climate- resilient society and economy that it aspires to be. SOE 5: Air Quality Adoption of measures to meet the World Health Organization air quality guideline values should be the target to aim for in the Clean Air Strategy. SOE 6: Nature Safeguard nature and wild places as a national priority and to leave a legacy for future generations. Step Up to Protect the Environment Around Us as it is Under Increasing Threat SOE 7: Water Quality Improve the water environment and tackle water pollution locally at a water catchment level. SOE 8: Marine Reduce the human-induced pressures on the marine environment. 18