EPA - Ireland's Environment, An Integrated Assessment - 2020

Chapter 5: Land and Soil Renou-Wilson, F. and Wilson, D., 2018. Vulnerability Assessment of Peatlands: Exploration of Impacts and Adaptation Options in Relation to Climate Change and Extreme Events (VAPOR) . Available online: https://www.epa.ie/ researchandeducation/research/researchpublications/researchreports/research250.html (accessed 13 October 2020). Renou-Wilson, F., Wilson, D., Rigney, C., Farrell, C and Muller, C., 2018. NEROS: Network Monitoring Rewetted and Restored Peatlands/Organic Soils for Climate and Biodiversity Benefits . Available online: http://www.epa.ie/pubs/reports/research/biodiversity/Research_Report_236.pdf (accessed 13 October 2020). Simo, I., Schulte, R., O’Sullivan, L. and Creamer, R., 2019. Digging deeper: understanding the contribution of subsoil carbon for climate mitigation, a case study of Ireland. Environmental Science & Policy 98: 61-69. Teagasc, 2013. Teagasc Manual on Drainage and Soil Management . Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/publications/2016/teagasc-manual-on-drainage-and-soil-management.php (accessed 13 October 2020). Teagasc, 2019. Soil Fertility Data 2019 . Available online: https://www.teagasc.ie/crops/soil--soil-fertility/soil-analysis/soil- results/ (accessed: 1 October 2020) Tóth, G., Hermann, T., da Silva, M.R. and Montanarella, L., 2018. Monitoring soil for sustainability development and land degradation neutrality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190: 57. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6415-3 Virto, I., Imaz, M.J., Fernández-Ugalde, O., Gartzia-Bengoetxea, N., Enrique, A. and Bescansa, P., 2015. Soil degradation and soil quality in western Europe: current situation and future perspectives. Sustainability 7: 313-365. https://doi.org/10.3390/su7010313 Zimmerman, J. and Stout, J., 2020. Evaluating the Suitability of the Land Parcel Identification System for Assessing Land Use and Land Use Change-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions . Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford, Ireland. Available online: http://www.epa.ie/researchandeducation/research/researchpublications/researchreports/research309.html (accessed 13 October 2020). 127