LEAP P0447 AER Report 2023.pdf08/05/2024223Kb
LEAP P0447-01 CI001884 Response June 2021.pdf04/10/2023139Kb
LEAP P0447-01.21 Ashleigh Farms Ltd.pdf04/10/2023120Kb
LEAP P0447-01 Ashleigh Farms Ltd CI001884 Response.pdf04/10/2023120Kb
EPA Ashleigh Farms (Waterford) Limited31/08/2023158Kb
EPA Newspaper Notice31/08/2023350Kb
LEAP SV26932 - Licensee Public Response_4.pdf31/05/202398Kb
LEAP SV26932 - Licensee Public Response_3.pdf31/05/202364Kb
LEAP SV26932 - Licensee Public Response_2.pdf31/05/202335Kb
LEAP SV26932 - Licensee Public Response.pdf31/05/2023102Kb
LEAP SV26932 - Licensee Report.pdf31/05/20232883Kb
LEAP P0447 AER Report 2022.pdf19/05/2023266Kb
LEAP P0447 AER Report 2022.pdf19/05/2023101Kb
LEAP P0447 AER Report 2021.pdf18/05/2023483Kb
LEAP P0447 AER Report Rev.01.pdf16/05/2023222Kb
LEAP P0447 AER Report.pdf15/05/2023223Kb
LEAP P0447 AER 2018.pdf10/05/2023387Kb
LEAP P0447 Ashleigh Farms Ltd - EPA Letter 051118 ISSUED.pdf10/05/20236662Kb
LEAP EPA_Background.pdf09/05/202362Kb
LEAP 16-729 Notification of Decision to Grant.pdf09/05/20232558Kb
LEAP P0447-01 Ashleigh Farms Ltd RI010152 Response.pdf05/05/2023705Kb
LEAP SV19415 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023659Kb
LEAP SV20433 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023594Kb
LEAP SV15941 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/20231046Kb
LEAP SV11345 - Licensee Report.pdf04/05/2023427Kb
EPA Board Extract re Transfer19/06/2019124Kb
EPA P0447-01 Notification to LA re Register07/06/2019219Kb
EPA Letter to Licensee re Transfer06/06/2019110Kb
EPA Programme Officer's Report re Transfer06/06/2019126Kb
EPA Transfer Notification06/06/2019152Kb
AER P044701-AER 201707/04/2018419Kb
Applicant Licence Transfer - Application - Licence Transfer Report - LT0014704/10/20172598Kb
AER P044701-AER 201621/03/2017539Kb
AER P044701-AER 201505/04/2016536Kb
AER P044701-AER 201420/03/2015168Kb
AER P044701-AER 201308/04/2014141Kb
EPA IE Amendment17/12/201340Kb
EPA IE Amendment - Letter to Licensee17/12/201313Kb
EPA IE Amendment - Director Decision Sheet16/12/201326Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Request Decision21/08/201333Kb
AER P044701-AER 201204/04/2013416Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Technical Amendment B04/02/201344Kb
EPA Technical Amendment - B04/02/2013226Kb
EPA Director Decision - re Technical Amendment B02/01/201335Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - re Technical Amendment B18/12/201262Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - re Technical Amendment21/05/201251Kb
AER P044701-AER 201103/05/2012709Kb
EPA EOassessment-P0447-0118/01/2012172Kb
AER P044701-AER 201028/07/20116524Kb
Applicant Letter from Applicant - Review Request27/07/2011114Kb
AER P044701-AER 200928/05/20106842Kb
AER P044701-AER 200802/12/20096912Kb
EPA Desktop Amendment A29/01/2009301Kb
EPA Letter to Applicant - Desktop Amendment A29/01/2009115Kb
EPA Inspector’s Report - Desktop Amendment A27/01/2009104Kb
EPA Final Determination & Notification28/08/2000363Kb
EPA Inspectors Report 54Kb
EPA Proposed Determination 155Kb